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  • Bo Lincoln

A Better Routeplanner 3.5.2

Today, we have released ABRP 3.5.2 with significant planning speed improvements, especially for new not-recently-searched routes. Even the relatively slow (in many aspects) Renault Zoe plans reasonably fast for shorter routes.

ABRP 3.5.1 came with a lot of improvements, as usual. The major focus of this release is to improve the experience in driving mode and offline/limited connectivity support.

The mission of A Better Routeplanner is to meet two needs

  • Planning, preparing, estimating the time, and generally dreaming of future trips, at home or on the road in your favorite browser

  • Driving and getting feedback on how it goes, how you compare to the plan, ensuring that you will safely make it to the next charger - or replan if needed

The ABRP driving mode addresses the second point above by providing real-time status based on your position compared to the plan, with optional car real-time car status based on optional MyTesla login (for Tesla owners) or OBD data (for some EVs).

Web App with Offline Support

ABRP is now supporting Chrome's and Safari's ability to allow a web app to work offline (a.k.a "PWA" - progressive web app). This means that ABRP will continue to display your latest plan and map offline, even if you have not used it for a while. In Android and Chrome, you will be asked to "Add ABRP to the home screen," which means it will appear like any app in your app drawer. The same thing can be done by adding it to your home screen in Safari. This also means that ABRP works in full screen!

The offline support does not include planning new routes, though, as this requires help from our servers! Let us know if there is more offline functionality you would like to have.

Mapless Mode

In ABRP 3.5, we introduced a mapless full-screen mode for those who know the way or use a second navigation system, such as Waze, parallel to ABRP. The map-less driving mode is also lighter on the browser, which makes it more enjoyable, e.g., the Tesla browser. You can switch back and forth between the normal map mode and map-less any time you want by clicking the map icon:

You can also click the "frame" button on top of the driving display while driving:

Have fun planning and driving!

Please give us your feedback on the ABRP forums or Twitter!

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